Product Overview
1.5L Hydrogen Water Kettle, Easy Accessto Temperature-Controlled Healthy Water

This hydrogen water pitcher utilizeselectrolysis to separate elements in water, enhancing hydrogencontent and providing benefits in terms of antioxidation.

With the hydrogen generator waterkettle's temperature and time-displaying button, either pressed orrotated, you can flexibly select your desired water temperature andhydrogen production duration.

Our hydrogen rich water kettle alsoboasts a convenient memory function, retaining your preferredsettings from the last use, eliminating the need for repetitiveadjustments.

Crafted from lead-free borosilicateglass, our hydrogen rich water machine not only withstands hightemperatures but also ensures the purity and safety of hotwater.

The hydrogen-enriched water produced bythis hydrogen water ionizer generator provides various benefits tosub-healthy individuals and long-term athletes, making it suitablefor regular consumption.